Fullstack Developer Iori Matsuhira Portfolio Website

MyFlix Angular

Angular App

MyFlix Angular is my first Angular app, user can register and login, see movie info, add/remove from favorite.

meet app image


Using Angular, build the client-side for an application called myFlix based on its existing server-side code (REST API and database), with supporting documentation.

Features I implemented based on user story

  • App should display a welcome view where users will be able to either log in or register an account.
  • Once authenticated, the user should now view all movies.
  • Upon clicking on a particular movie, users will be taken to a single movie view, where additional features:
    • A button that when clicked takes a user to the director view, where details about the director/genre of that particular movie will be displayed.

Technical Requirements

  • The application must be written in Angular
  • The application requires the latest version of Node.js and npm package
  • The application must contain user registration and login forms
  • The application must be designed using Angular Material
  • The application's codebase must contain comments using Typedoc
  • The project must be hosted on GitHub Pages

Example of features

Through the project and problem I faced, how I engaged

  • Create Kanban
  • First of all, I worked on this project as if I had been working on a company with an Agile environment.
    At first, I made user stories, then applied them to user flow, separate them into each function, then put them into Kanban with exponential story points. Kanban for my project

  • Re write my React project to Angular project with Angular Material
  • As a next step, I learned basic TypeScript (difference from JavaScript, generic type) and how to begin building Angular app.
    In the beginning, it was confusing between the difference and what's advantage of Angular or React, also TypeScript and JavaScript. Therefore, I read articles online and watched videos on YouTube, and did some practice. After having gotten a grasp of them, I started building an app.
    Although I struggled with data binding, the more I coded, the better my knowledge became. Also with help of the Angular module, I managed to have made a decent appearance.

  • Create Typedoc
  • As a last step, I made Typedoc to explain how components and each function works.

Next step

Having worked under the Kanban and Agile environment was a good experience for me to learn what "work as a developer" was like. Also, this project gave me the confidence to be ready for working as a developer because I felt very comfortable with learning a new framework/library rather than being stressed.
If I could do something differently, I would add a feature of changing the favorite button (when you add a movie to favorite, the icon turns black so user knows which movie is already in favorite.). Next time I work on an Angular project, I would like to build an app without an Angular module.


2 weeks


Frontend developer

Tools used

  • TypeScript
  • Angular
  • Angular Material
  • Typedoc